Thursday, 28 February 2013


Now, as excited as I am about this one, they don't offer any Groupons for Lethbridge! Aw man!

Groupon is a discount-coupon website, where you can search the city you're looking to purchase something in, and they offer coupons for discounted services for different companies. The usual format is you pay $x.xx for $xx.xx worth of services. So for example, you buy the coupon for $15.00 for a restaurant, and then when you go, it has a $30.00 value. It's easy to save money on things you were looking to do anyways, but careful! It is also really easy to start buying things because they're a good deal, but then you may never end up using them before they expire. I saw a Facebook friend's status the other day that he'd purchased an oil change for like $20. A year later it was about to expire and he had to drive to an outlying community on the south end of a big city to redeem it at the small shop. A perfect example of how a good deal might not really set you ahead in the end, if its going to cost you in other ways to redeem where you saved.

Nonetheless, I sent a few to my mom to redeem, as they're exactly what she needs right now. She's selling her last car, and there was a Groupon for each auto detailing and windshield replacement! As well, a restaurant she has recently discovered that she really enjoys has one of the $15 for $30 worth of food Groupons. Score!

Fingers crossed the same sort of thing expands to smaller city centers, or the old site that used to have deals called get back up and running! I miss the deals :(

How have you found Groupon in your city, or does it not extend to your region as well? What about deals?! Share your great Groupon redemptions in a comment!

Happy Saving!
- C

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Juicing = Saving?

Now this one will be an adventure! My husband is a teacher, and they have this week off for reading week. While at home catching up on his Netflix, he decided to watch a documentary about healthy eating. Which is awesome! In his rekindled desire to be better with eating our fruits and veggies, he mentioned starting juicing. Now I know that this is going to up our grocery costs, but perhaps the health benefits will pay off in the long run. We found a juicer on our local Swap and Buy Facebook group for a pretty good deal. Used once by an older lady and she just has no need for it.

So it begins! Currently looking up some tasty juicing recipes to try out, and we'll let you know what happens, with both our physical and financial healths!

Happy Saving!
- C

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Survey Dollars Update

So part of my goal of the blog was to update everyone with my frugal adventures along the way.  A few months back, I believe the beginning of November or so, I joined an online survey forum that rewards you for sharing your opinions.  Seems easy enough!  Well here's the update!

This website, Angus Reid Forum, asks you the most random questions and has you complete very random surveys.  Each month you fill out a Monthly Mosaic that helps to paint the picture of who you are, what you do, and what your interested in.  I have been asked everything from what types of radio advertising I am familiar with/enjoy, to my knowledge of different oil companies and pipeline products.  Obviously, there are some financial supports behind each, and I'm sure it's one of the few major companies that is supporting the survey each time, but I don't mind sharing and I don't mind getting paid to do it. 

Yes, paid is in italics.  Although you do get financially reimbursed for your time and opinions, you only get paid out every $50 Survey Dollars.  Well, in almost four months, I've earned $9, and a few entries into the monthly draws each month.  So, it's a slow process!  I usually try and fill out every survey they email me, but it is definitely going to take a while before I actually see any of the cash!  Do I still think it's worth it?!  ABSOLUTELY!  The surveys usually only take me a few minutes, and I can do them from my phone.  So they can be done waiting in line, while watching a TV episode, or even while waiting on your significant other to hurry up so you can leave the house.  It's just not a reward that will pay off as quickly as some of the other ones we've ventured into.

Happy Saving!
- C

Friday, 8 February 2013

A New Adventure

So so sorry it has been so long since I last posted. It has been a very busy few weeks, and is now developing into a cold! It seems to be on its way out, but needless to say, I have struggled finding the time to blog this past week or so and I apologize.

So my next adventure in savings of course is going to come with a new 'job'. I put it in quotation marks, as it is going to be more fun than work for me. I have signed up to become a Pampered Chef consultant, and will start hosting and representing the company in a few weeks. I have always liked the products, and I love love love to cook and host friends, so it seemed like a great opportunity. I can't wait to host my Open For Business party in a few weeks, and if anyone needs to purchase any items, please let me know! We can either host a party if you have other who you think would be interested in attending, or you could just order directly through me for the desired items. They ship right to your house, so you don't even need to be that geographically close to me! Score for me and for you!

Happy Saving!
- C