Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Waste not, want not!

So I may have just pulled a Nonni. We always joke about how my husband's grandmother will microwave coffee, even if its a day or two old, because why waste it.

Well, I totally see where she's coming from and I may have just done the same thing! It's so hard to know how much to make, who is going to drink it, etc. And seeing as how I drink it with stuff in it anyways, you can't even tell. We probably normally dump out a few cups a week, so I thought I'd see how the day-old stuff tastes. Yep, still has my caffeine fix!

What will you decide not to waste this week?! With Earth Day just passing by yesterday, take an extra thought next time you are going to throw something away that you might be able to use up first.

Happy Saving!
- C

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Enter Contests!

It seems as though I have vanished.  Yet, it is just an illusion!  I am still here, I am just unable to post as frequently as when I did not have such a busy schedule.  It seems as though we are never home, and that is more truth than an exaggeration. 

This morning, eating my breakfast and catching up with the local morning news, it dawned on me that I had not yet included contests in my blogs!  What a great way to save money, by winning things!  Let someone else spend their money on you!

Now, I've entered my fair share of contests.  Little things from win a free chocolate bar to win a hot tub (which I was a finalist for and got dinner and a party out of the deal anyways!).  More often than not, I never ever hear anything back in regards to some life changing notification of my winnings.  However, now and then, I've cashed in on some pretty cool prizes.  I've won tickets from radio contests, a backyard BBQ party for me and 9 friends, hosted by a local steak house (mmmm!), a cookbook from my morning show, and so on.  Like I said, nothing extravagant, but all things that in the end, I didn't spend money on earning.  This morning I saw an ad (on said morning tv show) for a $15,000 backyard renovation package they're giving away.  All you have to do is upload a photo of your current backyard and tell them why you need a reno.  Well seeing as ours is unfinished, dirt, only half fenced, and full of construction garbage that blows in from down the road, I don't think much explanation is needed!  Yet, completing the entry is one step to saving us the money we're eventually going to need to spend anyways.

An upstairs view of our current backyard oasis!

So look around you at the local draws, contests, and giveaways!  The more you enter, the higher chance you have of cashing in on something! 

Happy Saving!
- C