There are many different types of coupon or savings books available in for purchase. Depending on your location, they range in price and usually have discount coupons for venues, restaurants, and attractions in your area. The books are usually between $15-$40, depending on which one you buy, and have deals like buy one get one for products, services, and admission prices. I have never purchased one of these for myself, as we live in a smaller city that I haven't found has an appropriate one yet, but I'm wondering if people find this saves you a good deal of money or not?! Usually they are sold as a fundraiser, so at least you're supporting a local organization, but what value do you really get? Please share your thoughts if you've ever purchased one of these books. Do you use a good chunk of the coupons? Do you feel you get your money's worth? Or does it get forgotten about until the coupons are all expired anyways? We were recently back at my parents for Christmas, and My mom let me take a few of the coupons that she would not be using. Which brought me to thinking, what about if you were to buy a book like this and share it with a friend: each would use the coupons most applicable to them and you could split the cost. Good idea- what do you think?!
Happy Saving!
- C
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