Friday, 2 November 2012

Writing it Down

Busy week! Sorry that I did not post this sooner, I feel like if my head wasn't screwed on I would have misplaced it this week!

So as we wrapped up our first month of 'jars' and our budgeting, we had 1/8 of our total remaining! Pretty good, I think. However, we maybe did go a bit high on some things, as we didn't know what to budget, but this month we've got a better idea.

The biggest thing we've noticed that had helped us be successful is writing it all down and keeping track! I think back to how we used to be, and although we really didn't spend frivolously, we still spent stupid money on pointless things! And we had no idea what we were spending and where. With keeping all our recipes, and seeing exactly how much money we have left in each jar, you really get it! Just as we have to write down our personal goals in order to keep ourselves accountable and on track, we must do the same thing with our financial goals. No excuses!

In addition, being comfortable with lower than normal bank account numbers, as we withdrawal all our monthly spending once the fixed costs are accounted for, is something that is still taking time to get used to. But when you think of it as that is the lowest it will be, and that it will only o up from there, makes it a little bit of an easier pill to swallow.

I'm curious to know, how many of you actually know what it is you're spending your money on? Are you writing it down, inserting it in your spreadsheet, and keeping track o here your money is going?!! If so, how do you keep yourself and your spending a organized? If not, do you feel you have a good grasp on those dollars you're spending? What would you like to change or improve in order to be more on top of your monies?

Happy Saving!
- C

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