Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Trick or Treat!

Weeks before Halloween, every store starts to sell candy and costumes, and it can be overwhelming. Different types of candy, different amounts per package, but where is the 'best deal'? Before you buy any candy, consider how many trick or treaters you may be getting. Last year, I believe we received 3 ghouls and goblins! Thankfully, we'd learned from the year before that we didn't get a high number, so I didn't buy a whole lot, this avoiding HAVING to eat any leftovers. However, being in a new neighbourhood this year, it's kind of a crapshoot this time around! So, we estimated low numbers, as a result of being at the end of a street, not a lot of kids at this end of the street, not all the houses are even lived in on our street, etc. So, I headed to good ol' Walmart to buy our candy. Why? Because its dirt cheap! So I bought 110 pieces of double bubble gum for $3.28! This way, if we have high numbers, kids may only get 2 pieces each, but if we start getting low turn out, kids can receive handfuls of treats at this house! Also, I bought double bubble because kids like gum and I won't eat it!! Hurrah! But back to the store you're buying from, Walmart also know has the Ad Match guarantee - bring in any flyer with a lower price and they'll match it at the counter! I didn't bring in any flyer because I wasn't buying a large package, but totally something to consider if you're looking to buy a lot of candy, or even other items that you're heading our to purchase.

As for decor, I didn't buy anything new this year. A few little decorations is more than enough (for Halloween). I bought a pumpkin and using my Save-on-More club card got my pumpkin for $2.99! We carved it to be eating a leg (see the picture) using an old pair of pants that were ripped up and ready to be turned to rags anyways. So, we've managed to get some deals and repurpose some goods to save a couple bucks!

Can't wait to see the scary trick or treaters tonight! And if they don't show, my husband can take the candy and hand it out at school!

Happy Saving!
- C

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