Sunday, 28 October 2012

Hidden Treasures

We've all heard the phrase "one man's trash is another man's treasure". But how many of us really take advantage of that? Besides the odd garage sale in the summer or a random antique store, it's hard to really take up on that mentality.

But, through the magic of Facebook, it's actually right at our fingertips. If you aren't already involved in one, search for a Swap and Buy group in your area. These online groups are designed for members to post pictures for the rest of the group to see and sell to. So it works double duty: you can find good deals (as bartering is totally acceptable) on gently used items you might be looking for, and you can also put your unwanted goods up to sell and put a little extra cash in your pocket. How good does that sound?! Double savings! It is similar to kijiji or other online sites, but with thousands of people in the group and high traffic to the page, sales often happen quite quickly. Some gems we've gotten a hold of; patio table, 4 bouncy chairs, and an umbrella for $50, a matching lamp to one we already had for $3, and then we've sold some of our stuff for good deals - $40 we sold our old bbq for and it was bought and picked up within 2 hours of us posting it on the group's page. We're currently in the process of selling off board games we don't really play (yes, there are some in this house that don't get played!). And with $5-$10 a piece, it's quick and easy earnings that add up fast!

So check out the groups in your area, and let me know what you have found or do find in the future!

Happy Saving!
- C

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