So being first time new home owners, there are a lot of unexpected costs that you don't hear about. From little fees to big costs like blinds for your whole home, the extras start to add up fast. The quick way to deal with these costs is definitely to just not give in to the not-completely-necessary costs, such as blinds. We've done this for now, as the winter is approaching and the dark is arriving earlier and staying longer each day, we figure we can stretch it out for a little while longer! No peeps shows allowed-all changing and nude lounging is done behind closed doors with no windows! Sorry :)
But by far, our biggest unexpected cost, and one that we can't really push back, is the city taxes that showed up in our mailbox. 5 months worth of taxes due by the end of the month, yikes!! We knew we had to pay taxes, I guess we just didn't clue in to when they would be sent to us. So, how can we save here? When I go down to pay them, we're signing up for the monthly installment, automatic withdrawal program for property taxes that our city offers. Similar programs are offered in most cities as a way for tax payers to pay their dues on a more tangible, monthly basis, then the huge lump sums on a less-frequent basis. They also reduce your payments to only 10 months a year, and provide a slight discount (I believe 1.25%) for the monthly option. And let me tell you, with a husband who is a school teacher, we're all in favour of a two-month hiatus over the summer months!
So for savings on your property taxes, if you haven't already, consider looking into and signing up for a similar, monthly payment program! Besides the decreased amount to be paid out, who doesn't like a two-month holiday, even if it is just from the tax man!
Happy Saving!
- C
does matts school board offer 10 over 12? or is it not an option that you two are interested in?